Environmental Sustainability Management

The Board of Directors is determined to operate within the occupational health and environment standards as follows:

  • To follow the laws and regulations in safety, occupational health, and environment of the local area of that country that the Company operates in
  • To operate within the health and environment standard for all employees
  • To support employees’ education and training in safety, occupational health, and environment along with the procedures of the environmental protection under the industrial law
  • To disclose all information in relation to the safety, occupational health, and environment of the Company’s business.

In the environment aspect, the Company continuously monitors the environment to ensure safety of staff, customers, and visitors and inspects the protection system by planning and training fire protection to employees annually. There is also a campaign to use paper efficiently, using both sides of paper in the office, use E-mail method in order to reduce paper use, turn off light during lunch time, set temperature of the air-conditioning at 25 degrees Celsius, and switch to LED lights in the office, etc. In addition, the Company will monitor and evaluate the implementation annually.

In 2021, the Company has no incident of accidents or any employee taking significant leaves or sick leaves due to the work environment. Nevertheless, Wave Group has purchased accident & life insurance and other types of insurance relating to work for the employees.